“当初组建这个乐队时并没有想太多,所想要的只是和⼀群真⼼热爱⾳乐的好朋友们, ⽤⼼做精致的,⾛⼼的⾳乐,并把这些好的艺术作品分享给⼈们 。 直⾄今天,这仍是我们不变的目标。”
Azure,这个沉默寡⾔ 武艺⾼强 的剑客对⾳乐的态度永远是精益求精。 乐队也将于本年最后⼀个季度推出 乐队EP<Island>. 其中收⼊ 同名单曲《Island》 ,以及《印记》《⼈⽣怪圈》。三⾸歌曲记录这乐队成员的⼈⽣起落以及对⼈⽣的态度。乐队也会在Awaken the Monster With ⾳乐节天演绎三⾸歌曲。10⽉28⽇,Azure, 重返底下,让我们拭目以待久违的震撼。
We didn't think too much when we made decision for this band. All we want is good music and recording life with our music. And We hope our music could be shared with more people. And this dream still keeps us moving forward today. "
Azure was formed by a group of passionated musicians back in 2014. The band like exploring some new ideas and mixing different styles in their music . The band just released their first EP "Island" early this year. The EP includes three of their original songs- "Island" , "Time will not erase the pain" and " circles in life" which records the stories and attitude of the band members during past years.